Now’s a great time to purge old tax records
Whether you filed your 2016 tax return by the April 18 deadline
Does your business have multiple locations? Are you thinking about creating separate entities for legal liability purposes? Do you have intercompany transactions?
Our consolidation reports analyze the health of each location and entity. Then we pull the information together to capture the overall health of your entire organization.
But information is only helpful if you know what it means and if you know how to use it.
That’s why our consolidation reports also include custom policies and procedures for your staff. To help them better utilize the information. And we educate your team on the complex transactions that occur between separate legal entities.
When consolidation occurs between US entities and foreign subsidiaries, it creates a complex web of technical issues such as “transfer” pricing and expatriation of earnings.
To ensure you have timely and accurate financial information, our skilled Forbush and Associates staff will design custom, user-friendly reports–all while remaining compliant with the latest rules and regulations.
Whether you filed your 2016 tax return by the April 18 deadline
Providing a strong package of benefits is a competitive imperative in today’s
Each year, millions of taxpayers claim an income tax refund. To be